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Chapter 24: Adversity(2 / 2)

ces and connections, it was challenging for her to move forward, even with some talent. Deep down, she acknowledged the validity of his viewpoint.


However, she refused to do the same while he had given up on himself. She aspired to be better, even if the path was arduous.


If we don''t take charge of our lives, life will choose for us, and the outcome may be worse.


If we don''t strive and give our all, the future will only bring more pain than what we endure now.


She went to college in Shenzhen, and she love this city. So she chooses to stay and work here. After her first job failed, she even ventured to Beijing for new opportunities.


In Beijing, she encountered several accomplished local young men. Some are the sons of officials who held positions in government institutions with favorable family backgrounds.


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