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Chapter 2: Gu Xiang(2 / 2)

Indeed, money is a great litmus test of character, revealing one''s true nature. In the face of wealth, all those small acts of kindness, cuteness, and warmth are laid bare, and true colors are exposed.


Gradually, Gu Xiang developed a knack for understanding people, recognizing that this skill was of utmost importance and an essential ability in life. As she continued to observe and interact with others, she honed her judgment and discernment, understanding the significance of this talent in navigating various social situations and relationships. Gu Xiang knew that being able to assess people''s intentions and character was a valuable tool, and she was determined to refine it further as she journeyed through life.


Some may argue that she shouldn''t have accepted his gifts and favors, but she didn''t see her actions as wrong or problematic. If someone were to give her gifts in the future, she would still accept them.


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